The Journal of Trainee ECHO-119
Excerpt 2-
Never rely on that which may be unreliable.
Nothing is reliable.
Saturday evening. Two boys get possessed. Everyone’s pretty freaked out but a group of Muslim trainers seem to have it under control. One of them asked for onions. Don’t ask me why. They shooed the rest of us out of the block.
Sunday morning. Last I heard, both of the boys were sent to the medic and are still there.
Sunday afternoon. One boy is released. As we assembled to do a roll call, the aforementioned boy is repossessed. He goes stiff as if rigor mortis is setting in.
Sunday evening. We eat dinner early. As I fork some rice into my mouth, a girl screams. And then screams again. Everyone stands up and backs away from her, with the exception of her closest friend. She then clutches her chest and screams again as if something is trying to get into her. They seat her down as she is sweating. One of the trainers go over to her and there is no further screaming. She is then brought to the medic. All of this takes place within two minutes.
Sunday, right now. Everyone is more spooked than yesterday. I think I’m one of the few that are unafraid. They’re now gathering us according to religion. I assume they’re going to let us pray or something.