The Journal of Trainee ECHO-119
Excerpt 4
The Jump
A familiar wave of panic,
Rising much alike the sun,
Both inevitable, constant,
And sure to reach a peak.
Passing its peak it then sets,
With all the grace of a receding flood;
Sneaking away and gone before we’re fully aware,
But nevertheless leaving a trail of destruction.
Dawn to dusk in but a moment,
The sun is quickly forced to give way to the moon.
Her radiance seeps into everything,
As she takes her place as rightful ruler of the night.
Her light imbues all with a calm,
And the harshness of the sun,
Now nothing but a scant memory,
Will be forgotten and replaced with serendipity.
Nothing can escape her,
As she soars above in all her splendor.
Stretching the very fabric of time,
She expands her beauty to a subjective eternity.
Wind brushing against my face,
Everything is then extinguished in an instant,
As gravity finally reasserts itself,
And my feet once again meet the ground.
To be blogged about when I return.