Sunday, September 21, 2008

Decryption Woes

Before you decieve yourself into thinking that no one could be that cruel, yes, this did happen.

I quote, plus minus a word or two:

Zethan to Sam:
Well don't needlessly fret buddy. I'm fairly confident you'll manage to transcribe the pertaining permutation algorithm into a format from which you can then utalize in completing your decryption.

Sam to Zethan: Huh? Wait, come again? What the heck does pertaining mean?

Melissa to Zethan: Stop disturbing the poor kid here. Can't you see he's trying to concentrate? Go back to studying your hylomorphisms.

Sam to Melissa: Hey, hey, hey I'm not a kid okay?

Sam to Sam's Consciousness: Note to self. Hang out with dumber people from now on. Especially when they like to pick on you.

intr.v. per·tained, per·tain·ing, per·tains
1. To have reference; relate: evidence that pertains to the accident.
2. To belong as an adjunct, part, holding, or quality.
3. To be fitting or suitable.

Now empowered with the gift of retrospective foresight (hindsight);

Sam to Zethan: No, I don't believe I have achieved a sufficient mastery as of yet.

My proof?

It's been four days.

I still dont have my cleartext.

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