Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Coming Out of the Closet

I think its about time I be honest with you guys.
Not just for you guys, but mainly for myself.

See, ever since I was about, lets say 13,
I began to notice I was different from other guys.

Not physically different,
But more so emotionally.

While they imagined undressed girls,
My mind would be thinking of... well, unmentioned other things.

While the guys played sports, I would rather
Just sit by and watch the guys play sports.

Then everyone started getting girlfriends
While I was just, uhm, simply being me.

I don't think it's fair
That I greet my male friends with an occasional hug,

Bath in the communal showers,
And even crash in the same beds sometimes.

Well what I'm trying to say...
Or rather admit...

Which I'm finding rather difficult by the way,
Is that I'm officially coming out of the closet today.

I like...


I like...

(Gosh this is had to say)

I, uh...

Okay I'm just going to say it.

I. Like. Poetry.


Nope, sorry but I'm not interested in guys.

I'm not gay.

Yes, some is taken out of context but true, and of course some lines were fabricated to egg you on.

At 13 I began to realize I had more depth than my peers.

About then I thought about science almost more than anything else too.

And I was never a team sport person. You all know that.

I've been infatuated only a couple times, and only twice did I give in to it. Neither lasted long. And I don't count recent events to be infatuation.

The hugging part onwards were the egging lines... XD

And yes, though I believe I've done so quite long ago;

Today, by the power vested in me, bla bla bla, la di la la, I officiate myself as no longer a closet poet.


But on to serious matters;

Neither Pen Nor Parchment

I wish to be both a word smith,

And a poet of motion.

I want to express my thoughts into substance,

And pour my feelings into grace.

If people will not see me for who I am,

Then I want to be one who makes everything I do;

Beautiful and aesthetic,

If only so that people will see from my actions that I am different.


I want my life to be a poem, reflecting it's Writer's thoughts.

I don't want to be the pen writing it down,

Nor do I want to be the parchment written on.

I want to be the poem.

And if I am to be inscribed onto the lives of those around me,

Then along with me, let Yourself be etched onto them,

So that someday, perhaps;

They too may be poets.

This keyboard,
Is mine.
That poem,
Is Yours.


Wong Fong Yang said...

You are always cheeky and deep.

Walk with God and he will write your life as a poem. Your parkour can be poetry in motion. Your card magic 'tricks' can be poetry in illusion!

I told Jay Kyle in his New York office today that you might consider card magic as a vocation, he smiles broadly. His friend who is the president of a college in USA is keen to have you in performing art (acting etc). Jay thinks you will do well. I think so. He has scholarship provided you do well in SAT.

I said goodbye to Sarah at Boston airport this morning. We prayed and we cried. Nothing wrong with man crying (showing emotion).

I am now in New York and Sarah has arrived safely in Grand Rapids.

My apartment and the church planting center has internet facilities.

Samuel said...

That's awesome dad! =D

Well I agree that there is nothing wrong with showing emotion. The society we have today has stigmatized men as "strong beings who don't cry". I think one should be true to his emotions, even if it means showing weakness.

To allow yourself to be vulnerable is to show that you have a strong confidence in yourself. In short;

Be weak to be strong.

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