Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Blue Bloody Hell

Sorry I smudged my NRIC but I'm a private person. I'd rather not have internet stalkers to add to my list of things gone wrong.

Translation: Congratulations, you've been drafted to enter the National Service for 2009

Yes, the non-BM speaking, soon to be doomed Sam has been selected for NS. I already wear my hair buzz, albeit artistic lines, but it doesn't undermine the fact that I'VE BEEN BLOODY SELECTED.

Yes, I'm upset.

No, I don't want to go.

Yes, I will go.

Life just threw me a curve ball, but I'll take it anyway. If parkour has taught me anything, it's to face and overcome obstacles. I prayed like heck that I wouldn't get selected, but I did. So I'll safely assume that it's God's will for me to go.

Please pray that I'll get put into a good camp.


I don't feel friggin congratulated in ANY way whatsoever. What the heck is there to congratulate me for?!


Please pray that I'll be more positive about this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's going to be one heck of an obstacle. NS is death.

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