Friday, April 25, 2008

My Red Sleeping Bag

I was staring at my paper airplane thinking how could I make this thing fly better? See there's this nice hill which kind of drops into an "almost cliff-like" angle (followed by this huge plateau) near my house and at about 1pm, has a lovely thermal floating up it. Perfect for throwing paper planes.

I know this is kiddish and geeky but it's hella fun okay?

So I designed a paper plane which rides thermals pretty well. About 1 to (8-12) gliding ratio (variates depending on the paper I use and wing angles). See I used to be really into origami so give me 20 pieces of A4 paper and I'll be able to fold you 15+ different kinds of airplanes. And a box. And a crane. And a flower. And a snowflake. And a boat. And stop looky here I'm outta paper.

So at noon some days when I'm feeling really bored, I'll take a bunch of paper and start folding. By 1 I'll have about 12 planes. Then I'll bunch them up, being careful not to disturb the trimming, pitch stability, elevator adjustments, and hike up the hill. (Yes, believe it or not paper planes have their own scientific terms). I'll let you know that doing all the above plus not slipping is actually quite hard.

Most people know I'm not geeky; just knowledgeable (I hope). Sometimes I do wonder what people think though, seeing a kid who's 17 but looks older, carrying a huge bunch of planes up a hill.

I'll then proceed to throw all of them "down", watch them float up, and catch them if they come back. It's really cool when you throw a plane off a cliff with a thermal. It glides towards the edge and when it hits the thermal, whooooooooooooosh it flies up. Once it's escaped the thermal it'll fly in any direction it sees fit, albeit now between 20-100 feet higher than if you'd thrown it at night. Beautiful.

Anyways that's what I was thinking.

Right now I'm thinking this:

I love rock climbing. Now get this. Rock climbing is not a delicate sport. A lot of climbers develop arthritis in their fingers.

Oh and I love parkour. Which is NOT delicate. Very controlled, but not delicate.

And I love magic. (Make a guess. Delicate or not delicate)

Now they fall on opposite sides and I prolly can progress in all of them at the same time, but God I pray that there wont come a time when I have to choose between them. Because I don't think I can. And I sure as heck dont want to be a jack of all trades, master of none.

I guess I'll just have to be like my paper plane. I'll throw myself off a cliff (Figuratively), fly up between 20 and 100 feet, and then from there go in whatever direction I see fit.

Or I might fall.

>By now you are prolly thinking, "What on earth does this have to do with the title?!" Your answer?


This was just one of those posts where I wrote it first planning on titling it later, only to find out I had NO idea what to title it. So I named it what I was looking at. My red sleeping bag (thus the red font). Sure I could have used "Paper Planes" or something like "A Decision to Make" but it just wasn't original.

Now on to Tapah, where I shall use my red sleeping bag. I'll even come back and post about it (the sleeping bag). I promise.

(Yes, this is random)


Sarah.... said...

I've always liked my GREEN sleeping bag over your RED sleeping bag. Your RED sleeping bag is inferior to my GREEN sleeping bag. My GREEN sleeping bag is actually stuffed with authentic feathers. Your RED sleeping bag is just synthetic material. Your RED sleeping bag, I conclude, is inferior to my GREEN sleeping bag. Thank you.

Samuel said...

Well your GREEN sleeping bag, being down feather, is in all likelihood better and higher quality than my RED sleeping bag.


GREEN sleeping bag, being down feather, has to be lined with a bed sheet every single time you wish to use it. You also cannot wash it because it wouldn't be good for the sleeping bag.

RED sleeping bag, not being down feather: Take out of case, lay out, sleep.

This thus makes your GREEN sleeping bag less efficient than my RED sleeping bag, and for someone with my lifestyle, becomes superior in my eyes.

Thank you.

(I'm not kidding but I spent 5 minutes thinking of a way to argue back) *sigh*

Haha this is hilarious.

Sarah.... said...

Well, some people go for efficiency, but others opt for luxury. The choice, of course, reveals many things about the person. My GREEN sleeping bag, therefore, is superior to your RED sleeping bag.

Took me 5 seconds to come up with this.

I'm writing a huge essay right now, and I'm so stressed. Your blog provides the much needed comic relief. I'll keep spamming whenever my brains feel like they're gonna burst.

Samuel said...

Haha. I guess that means you've been domesticated. Spoilt. I prefer to be rugged and adaptable.


Go read our other discussion. You know, the one with actual intellect behind it.

And don't burst your brain. You look nicer with your head in one piece.

Sarah.... said...

Oh Samuel, oh Samuel, you're stressing me out! Two discussions in one go! And you never let me have the last word in either one! *Think jelly-jam-jelly-jam*

Haih. Remnants of childhood conversation patterns. What can we do.

Oh, and about our's amazing where the intellectual one gets placed, isn't it? =)

Samuel said...

Haha no kidding. =D



Sarah.... said...


Samuel said...

See, it goes jelly, jam.

Jelly, jam.

It ends with jam, see?

Ending with jelly would just be unnatural. Like ending on the third beat on a 4/4 like they do in those annoying Chinese songs. Or was it the wrong note? Cant remember.

Point is that it ends with jam.

So, uh, Jam.


Sarah.... said...

Stop being conventional, you stickler-for-rules. That's so uncreative.


Samuel said...


Lerida Looi said...

Hey there!

I’m just leaving a message so you would know that I’ve finally moved from one blog to another. So if possible, please link or re-link me from to I’d really, really appreciate it if you did! So…thanks for hearing me out and thanks again if you did take the time to re-connect my name to my current and active site. =]

Take care and all the best in your blogging!

P/S: Haha. Just so you know, I enjoy reading your writings, Samuel. You have a very interesting way or expressing yourself, to say the least.

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