Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The boy I once met

Please tell me.

I need to know.

Tell me what you see when you look at him.

It doesn’t matter if he’s awake or asleep, moody or jovial.

Just tell me what you see of him.

Is he just another teenager with the tendency to be unpredictable?

Is he just another teenager who always thinks he’s right?

Is he just another teenager who’s easily disappointed?

Is he just another teenager who decides to exert his individuality at the wrong time?

Is he just another teenager who’s finally starting to realize that he’s been grossly misunderstood?

Or is he just another…

I know for a fact that he is frustrated.

Frustrated at his inability to get over someone whom he should.

He feels that he is holding her back by adamantly harboring feelings for her.

She knows him too well to be fooled by a simple “I’m beginning to move on. Are you?”

As a result she hasn’t moved on either.

What if they’re missing out on so much else in life by clinging on to a memory?

What if there really is someone else out there who’ll make them as happy as they did each other?

What if they overlook that someone because they choose to shackle themselves to the past?

How can one compete with a perfect memory?

One can’t.

And so they will disregard that someone should he/she exist.

By refusing to move on is he possibly wrecking a future, and not only his own?

Or would it be the same if he had moved on.

I wonder.

And so tell me.

What do you see when you look at him, smitten?

He is also frustrated at his friends.

Where have all his true friends gone?

Has he out grown them?

He woefully craves for conversation wrought of depth.

And though he gets it from some, what about the rest?

Why can’t he have helped them all along down on this little mental road?

Why can’t he have pushed them all out of the quicksand, even if it meant sinking himself?

Balance demands that the strong also be vulnerable.

But why are so many people around him choosing only to be strong?

Is that why so many people are falling?

Must the law require the deep to also be shallow?

So tell me.

What do you see when you look at him, sunk?

He is curious as to what people think of him.

He almost daringly wishes to ask.

Do they think he likes to show of?

Can they criticize him because he practices something bred to impress?

Do they think he is just trying to fit in and be cool?

Cancel the last.

He is not one man trying to be many people.

He is just compromised of many sides, all belonging to one person, each shown when thought apt.

We haven’t known each other for nearly long enough,

But please tell me.

What do you see when you look at me, only just another side of him, contemplative?


UGN said...

dude. deep..
i daresay i understand a small part of how you feel.

hang in there.

remember, you are not alone(cheesy, but true)

hlpe said...

even deep is an understatement..but those words really hits the core.

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