Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I think that I'm uncool because I can't speak like a Malaysian.

I sometimes try (and fail) to put on a Malaysian accent.

I secretly suspect that people think I'm trying to "act cool" just because I speak different.

I'm sick of people asking where I studied overseas, or where I'm from.

I'm tired of dealing with intransigent people.

I'm amused when people wonder how I open number locks so easily.

I think that the things that matter to my friends don't matter as much to me.

I wonder how I grew up so differently from the rest.

I wonder why I have so many lucid dreams.

I wonder why I'm always flying in my non-lucid dreams.

I feel inadequate for what's to come.


Anonymous said...

I think its cool that you don't speak like a Malaysian
Forget about trying to put on an accent, genuine is good
You don't have to act cool, you are
People just love to stereotype more often than they should
I wished that people were more opiniated
A lot of things you do amuses me, though the lock stunt i have yet witnessed
The day you actually are like your peers, I might get worried
Everyone is unique
Dreaming is cool
Having Lucid dreams cooler still
I dream far more than you do
and do more outrageous things in them
Never let anyone think you are inadequate

UGN said...

wows. I always find myself falling off a cliff or being crushed by either a huge object or a tidal wave.

Samuel said...

>Anonymous, before I start a complete bug sweep of my room, could you please tell me how you know how much I dream? ;D Hahaha... And I don't wanna know what "outrageous" actually means... Lol. Thanks though.

>UGN, Wow man... usually when impossible/improbable things happen in my dreams, they become lucid and I seize control of the dream. For some reason flying is one of the few things that escape my notice when I dream though... -.-' And to guard against falling/being crushed by large objects, you should always remember to have super powers with you while you dream... ;D

UGN said...

hahah. i usually wake up right before impact. And I get the 'falling' feeling too.
Yeah I should probably tell myself 'I have anti boulder/cliff/wave powers' every night before I sleep xD

Samuel said...

Now that'd be a sight for camp... ;D

"I have anti boulder/cliff/wave powers.... I have anti boulder/cliff/wave powers. I have anti boulder/cliff/wave powers."


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