Thursday, March 19, 2009

Self Worth

Where do we derive our self worth from?

For some, it comes from being able to do things that others can't. For others, it comes from being better than others. The list goes on. Having done things that others haven't. Being accepted. Being appraised. Having things that others don't (monetary, knowledge, physical appearance).

I'm pretty sure that I missed some, but in the end it's always about the illusion of being more than the other person, being superior in some way. You get the point.

And so what happens when someone else saunters in, with more than you? And might I add, in ka-frickin abundance.

Well we all react differently.

Some choose to point out the flaws of others so as to cover up their own. Some strive endlessly to better themselves for the sole purpose of being once again, on the top. Some throw themselves recklessly into a world of experiences they aren't ready for. Some make a big fuss of themselves merely to get attention. Some put on an act to be approved by certain crowds. Some buy things needlessly to show off, or to fit in. Some hurt others on the way, and being far to self absorbed to notice, won't bat an eyelid.

It doesn't matter how you react. The very threatening of your self worth is often enough to make anyone do anything, just to be able to feel themselves once again, secured. So here's something to keep in mind. The next time your self worth is at stake, make sure you don't hurt the one's you love. Security and self worth can always be regained, reassigned, remade.

Some friendships can't.

(This section is for Ty because he asked)

My self worth is mostly derived from my use to others. I echo with the philosophy of Georges Hébert's
Method Natural; "Be strong to be useful". Thinking seriously, what use am I if I can only serve myself? I'd prolly live a pretty nice life, grow old, and die, and the world would not even notice. But if I can be of use to others, then I'll make a change, leave a mark on the earth, and be of benefit to someone other than myself. Valuable items that are locked in a secret chest are worth nothing to no one if forgotten.

Quite literally, if I am of no use to others, then I am worth none. That is why I seek to progress myself; For others. I won't lie and pretend that I'm really that altruistic, though I aspire to be. Point is, I want to be better so that I can help others.

That's why I teach. Why I give counsel. Why I take the effort to share what I've suffered so hard to learn. Why I make you laugh when I know you need it. Why I shut up about your lies even when they're obvious. Why I take the brunt of things even though I really don't need to.

It's all because I can.

It's because I'm worth nothing if I don't share myself.

Or maybe it's because I might secretly want part of myself to live on in the world after I die, though I think I'll stick with the former until I can decide for myself... =)

Anyways, I hope that I managed to make you question what your self worth and security is based upon.

I've done some of my thinking.

Now it's your turn... ;D

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