Saturday, April 11, 2009

A friendship lost, A world divorced

Tensions run high, higher,
Very much like the over tightening of a tight rope,

With me and you on opposite sides,

And everything at stake balancing precariously in between.

And amongst all that is poised to fall and plummet,

Turned loose the moment the cable snaps,

Are whole parts of ourselves,

Exchanged and given within a friendship.

Tensions fall low, lower,

Very much like a cable uncoiling itself to the ground,

A once taut ideal of what would last,

Now a bittersweet memory of things soon forgotten.

And amongst the things soon to be lost,

Given to the shroud of everything unremembered,
Are the parts of ourselves and of each other,
That we selfishly tossed so we didn't have to love.


~ Jules ~ said...

What use is there, after all, of hanging on to the loose rope when there's no longer anyone on the other side...

The full weight of emptiness, the powerful voice of silence...

Samuel said...

Well we always hope that the person is going to pick up the rope again. And though things will never be the same, different can still be beautiful.

The weightless pang of emptiness, withering within the solitude of silence...


UGN said...

"Well we always hope that the person is going to pick up the rope again. And though things will never be the same, different can still be beautiful."

Dude, I know what you mean.
Like, seriously. ^__^;

Samuel said...

Hmmm... We'll have to have lunch over this someday... =)

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