Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Deserter

A deserter I am,
For when she needed me I ran.
I drowned myself with empty bliss,
While at home she lacked a loving kiss.

I wanted just to give them strength,
Hold them up, through the depths.
But all I caused was scarring pain,
While another walked away righteously vain.

So the guilt befalls my mind,
Dreams of wisdom, left behind.
I wonder if I should continue to run,
Or meddle more; undo what I’ve done.

But through her weakness shines a light,
A brilliance wrought of uncommon might.
Matured knowing of what to do,
To die inside for the sake of you.

So run away, run with me,
Away from reason, to the free.
But though we run, fast and true,
Our paths will differ, mine from you.

We flee with different thoughts in mind,
I hope and wish that both are kind.
I know we live just day by day,
But I still regret I ran away.

Walk your paths,
But just remember,
To never lose sight,
Of what you hold most dear.

Take heart,
And take strength,
In knowing,
That I love both of you.

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