Monday, November 10, 2008

Fugitive from Reason

Well Sarah, it was a deal so here's my fugitive poem. It's not as witty or about love, and uh... not exactly cheesy either. I've forgotten that quote you gave me but it went along the lines of poetry being an emotional height looked back in calm retrospect.

Well this is more of a personal thing for me.

It's about death and birth.

Or rather that a death spawns the birth of escape.

And the birth of denial.

Fugitive from Reason


I dare you.

For one fleeting moment,

Pretend that you can escape.

Pretend long enough,

And you might even believe it.

But what if that which was improbable,

Actually happened?

You will then have run for nothing;

Wasted your breath,

While the cold hard floor for you to sink upon

Will still remain.

Time does not mend everything,

Time does not heal all wounds.

Time simply gives us a chance

To get used to the fact that we have those wounds.

But regardless which,

We somehow still manage to delude ourselves.

We delude ourselves into thinking

That we can flee far enough.

And that the floor will stop waiting,

But no.

A floor is made of stone

Cast along with the patience of one.

And no matter what we do,
We will eventually have to face reason.

So don't.
Don't run.

I dare you.

1 comment:

Sarah.... said...

Yes, a phone call we shall have. This merits discussion too.

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